10 Characteristics of People with Positive Body Image


Positive body image is not the absence of negative body image.

This is a big misconception that is out there about body image. We can have negative body image moments, thoughts, experiences, and behaviors and still have a generally positive relationship with our body overall. There are many different facets of what affects your body.


Research has been able to identify 10 different characteristics of positive body image.

Body image research is definitely lacking but we do have an understanding based on the research that tells us about why some people have better body image than others and what qualities, skills, components they have that allow them to have a healthier, more positive relationship with their body. As you read through these ten, it is important to note that even if you do not have these characteristics, working on strengthing one of the ten will help benefit your body image overall even if the other nine still present hurdles and challenges. The message here is this: Healing your relationship with your body is a daunting task and some parts of it feel impossible BUT it is very possible to improve your body image one step at a time.


Let's explore these then characteristics! Read them carefully and then, let's reflect.


1. Body Appreciation:

  • Appreciating the health, features, and functions of the body

2. Body Acceptance:

  • Feels comfortable in the body even if not happy with it, chooses not to focus on the perceived flaws

3. Inner Positivity Influencing outer Demeanor

  • Feels confident and proud of themselves inwardly

4. Broadly Conceptualizing Beauty

  • Perceives a diversity of weights, shapes, and appearances as beautiful believes that beauty comes from within

5. Media Literacy

  • Aware of media's impact on how they view the body and rejects and challenges those messages and images

6. Unconditional Acceptance From Others

  • Perceived acceptance from others, feeling valued for authentic qualities that are not based on appearance

7. Finding Others with a Positive Body Image

  • Surrounding themselves with people who have or are striving to have a healthy relationship with their body

8. Spirituality/Religion

9. Listening to and Taking Care of the Body

  • Regularly taking care of their body in a compassionate and respectful way

Now, we want you to take this one step further and reflect on how you personally experience all of these! Download the activity below.