Meditation for Food Guilt

When I meet with new clients, 95% of the time they say they feel guilty after eating - after every meal or some meals. It's also one of the top things people want to work on - to be able to enjoy food or to eat and move on with their day instead of obsessing about it.

In our diet culture world, it makes sense why you may feel guilty. We're bombarded with messages from family, friends, coworkers, and on social media about diets or wellness plans to follow, good/bad foods, or the best way to eat. It's so easy to get overwhelmed when you're hearing/seeing these messages, and I know how it may lead to feeling like you're not doing enough or eating 'right.'

Our bodies are so resilient and can handle eating a wide variety of foods, regardless if our culture claims they are 'healthy' or 'unhealthy.' It is okay to enjoy and eat all foods. What works for you may change and will be different than what works for someone else. It is okay to nourish your body with the foods that you like and choose and enjoy food.

If you are struggling with food guilt, I recorded this 5 minute meditation that you can use anytime - after a meal or if you just want to take a short break for yourself in your day.

I will be creating regular meditations, breathwork, and yoga practices as a podcast format, as well as on Youtube to help support you towards finding a peaceful relationship with food. It’s on Spotify currently and will be on Apple podcasts soon, as well.