Intuitive Eating's Proven Benefits

A Review of Interventions that Promote Eating By internal Cues

Research Summary:

Traditional diet programs that restrict intake are not only ineffective but are also counterproductive in that they promote unhealthy eating behaviors and phycological distress such as depression, body dissatisfaction, and lower self-esteem. Evidence also shows that frequency of dieting is directly related to weight gain. An alternative to dieting is intuitive eating. This is an approach based on internal cues, body acceptance, and navigating health choices based on both health and enjoyment. Studies on intuitive eating show that intuitive eating promotes positive improvements in eating habits, body image, improved self-esteem, and an overall better quality of life. Those who report trusting their bodies to tell them how to eat were also less likely to exhibit disordered eating habits and showed significant decreased bulimia, body dissatisfaction, depression, and drive for thinness as compared to the traditional diet group who had no significant difference in all of these areas. Furthermore, these studies showed that weight loss is not necessary for improving blood pressure, total cholesterol level, triglyceride level and cardiorespiratory fitness….all suggesting that IE may be superior to weight-centered approaches.